Thursday, December 19, 2013

Top Ten Most-Frequent GRE Math Concepts

The quant section of the revised GRE Test is evolving. Many of the recent test-takers reported that they nearly had a nervous break-down while wading through the GRE quant sections. Many also reported that they struggled to complete the sections. Another common feedback that we are getting is that the textual length of the questions has increased significantly, so a lot of time is consumed in reading and understanding the question. Another feedback that is very interesting is that GRE is testing more integrated concepts rather than isolated concepts. All this had to happen. GRE Math had to evolve. This shift was inevitable. As more and more B-Schools are accepting GRE scores, GRE Math had to match up with GMAT Math and at the same time it should increase the rigour to match up with the B-School requirements, where there is an ever increasing need for analytical skills. Does all this mean that GRE will now test difficult concepts from Calculus, Trigonometry or Differential Equations or some other intimidating concepts? The answer is NO. GRE Still sticks to its GRE Math Review and the GRE Official Guide. If any concept does not feature here; stay rest assured that it will not feature on the GRE. To get better GRE scores and get into the best graduate schools, you’ll need a strong understanding of the underlying math concepts: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation. Even if you’re good at Quant, a little basic review is a great refresher. Even seasoned players do need some net practice. All these concepts can be practiced on, which offers unmatched GRE prep content online.
    1. Number Properties. The properties of odds and evens, integers, fractions, positives, and negatives will all appear in various questions on your Revised GRE test. This is especially tested on Quantitative Comparisons. Variables can be negative integers, negative fractions, zero, positive fractions, or positive integers – don’t ever make assumptions!
    2. Plane Geometry Triangles are the most-tested shape on the GRE. You should know the Pythagorean Theorem, Triangle Inequality Theorem, the special right triangle ratios (45-45-90 and 30-60-90), as well as the properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles. Also review the types of angles, circles, and polygons. Make sure you know how to find the perimeter, area, and volume of these shapes.
    3. Word Problems The GRE Problem Solving questions often contain challenging word problems – you’ll need to know how to "translate” English to Math
    4. Rates & Work The most important need-to-know formulas on the GRE are D = R x T, Distance = Rate x Time, and the concept of Average Speed. Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time.
    5. Probability The probability of an event occurring is the desired outcomes/total possible outcomes. The probability of two events occurring together is the product of the two probabilities. Memorize the combination and permutation formulas. Combination: n! /n-k! k! Permutation: n! / n-k!
    6. Ratios and Proportions A ratio is a relationship, such as 3x:y. Given a ratio and one “real world” number, you can always set up a proportion to solve for the other missing “real world” number. Sometimes you will need to do this for similar triangles in Geometry, and sometimes in algebraic word problems.
    7. Percents For percent questions on the GRE with unknown starting values, always pick 100. Make sure to review profit and interest concepts and know the formulas for simple and compound interest.
    8. Data Analysis The GRE will present you with graphs, tables, or charts and ask specific questions about the data trends. Always identify what is being presented and what the information suggests BEFORE moving onto the questions. Don’t rush through these questions!In the recent GRE tests, there have been an increasing number of questions on the concepts of Standard Deviation. So, it is recommended that you brush up your basics with respect to statistics.Some test takers have also reported that there were question related to Normal Distribution. So, look guys how GRE is adapting itself to the requirements of the B-School.
    9. Functions A function is a simply a different way of writing an equation; we simply replace the “y” with a symbol,“f(x).” The GRE may also present made-up symbol functions; pay attention to any definitions you are given, and expand accordingly.
  1. Systems of Equations You will need to be able to solve for a system of equations. Remember the “n equations with n variables” rule. If you have 2 variables, x and y, then you will need 2 equations with those 2 variables to solve for both. Familiarize yourself with Substitution and Combination.
I will like to make a small suggestion that if you plan to take the GRE, first thing is to complete the whole of GRE Official Guide and then try to finish the GMAT Official guide as well. When you are preparing the GMAT material, avoid Data Sufficiency questions as you will not find them on the GRE. So, that would be a waste of time. Focus on rate problems, word problems and problems involving counting techniques and statistics. This will help you a lot in improving your score. So, keep visiting for more tips and tricks on GRE. Remember, we here at TCY are committed to your success.

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